affordable payment and reservation solutions for your small business.
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Sample Personal Account

To learn more about a business account, click here!

Here is a short overview of what your personal account at will look like:

You will simply go to's main page, where you sign in with your account name. To see and change your account data, you will be prompted for your username/password:

On your 'welcome' page you may go to your 'Booking Information', 'Calendar' or your 'Account'.

Your booking information:

Here you get all the information in one place. Who booked what when and how much did they pay as a deposit.
A convenient 'Download' link gives you access to the data in a csv type file, which you can import into your personal booking software, MS Excel or any other database software.
The arrival date is a link that will take you to the corresponding calendar page.
For additional correspondence with your customers, their email address is a link which will open your mail software, with the 'To', 'Subject' and the beginning of the 'message' fields already filled out for you!

Your calendar:

Here you will see which dates are available and which ones are booked. If you are closed for certain days or have made a booking outside, simply click on those dates and they will turn red=booked!
On the other hand if someone cancelled (or you clicked on the wrong date by mistake) simply click on a red date and it will become 'available' again!

Your account information:

This is the place to update the deposit amount, change your email address or telephone number, etc.!